
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Issues on runs

Twice in one week, pretty impressive for me. But I had to share about my 6 mile run this morning.First I was pretty impressed with my overall time of the run. Granted the first mile and a half felt like it took me forever. Granted, I did a lot more walking then I had anticipated, but I kept at it, and finally reached the 2 mile mark and things seemed to go faster. Then mile 2.5 happened, and my stomach started talking to me. And not in the good way. I figured it had something to do with needing some extra energy, so I took 4 sports beans, and downed some water. Energy wise it definately helped, but stomach wise not so much. Needless to say, I was dreading that I was running in a residential area with absolutely no privacy, or fast food places to run into. Thankfully, I ended up finding a bit of a hill, w/ some privacy and helped my stomach out. It was a bit embarassing, and annoying, but I know I'm not the first person this has happened to, and I'm not the last. From that point on, I didn't keep with a specific ratio. I ran for as long as my legs and lungs felt good, and then walked when I needed to. I'm sure that helped my overall time. I'm still not where I would like to be pace wise, but I'm making more goals for myself, and once I've figured them all out, I'll share them. Have you ever had an embarassing moment during your run?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Just call me old fashioned

I really need a new computer. The computer I'm using right now is old (it's from 2003) and it's slower than molasses, and just needs to be put out of it's misery. Unfortunately, life situations being as they are, a new computer is not in my new future. But thankfully, when I decided to do this marathon, I bought myself a pretty journal (on sale) and have been keeping track of my training that way. I've been doing pretty well. I've even increased my ratio to a 2:1, which also means my pace has increased. I'm still slow (as molasses) but I'm pretty proud of my 12 min a mile pace. My ultimate goal is to get down to a normal 10 min a mile pace. I'm pretty confident that I'll be able to do it. I just need to stay consistent. I've been finding that my Tuesday runs are some of my slowest runs, but it's because of my cross training that I do on Mondays. My weight training class has really been kicking my butt. Trainer L, has been focusing on legs a lot lately, and although I feel my pace is slower on Tuesdays. I'm feeling like I can go further on Saturdays. So I'm thinking it's all good. Well, that's the update I've got for ya. Do you have a specific goal for running, (besides finishing a race) increase speed. goal longer distances? etc... Hope the training is going well!

Friday, June 4, 2010

consistency pays off

Holiday weeks always seem busy and trying to stick with my training plan during these weeks, are tough. So although I didn't get in as many runs as I had planned, I still had a few good runs. Before I started my blog, I bought myself a journal and planned on only using that to keep a personal record of my training. In this journal, I wrote myself a few goals to keep me going. One of them, was not to beat myself up over not being perfect while I train. Life is going to happen, and I can plan the best I can to make adjustments in my training, there's still going to be times I can't run, or stick with my plan. So this week was a good example of how that happened, and I must remember that I survived. I've also realized that missing a run or two isn't that bad, as long as I'm consistent. My plan was to stay at my current pace for a week, however, I've noticed that my pace has already gotten faster. I still have a bit more work to get to my ideal pace, but if I stay consistent, I'll get there before I know it!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Slow and Steady

Well, like I thought, the weekend wasn't exactly jammed packed with training. But it wasn't a total bust. I did get some extra miles in on Saturday. I spent the day with the family at a Scottish Festival. It was fun, and there was plenty of walking involved. Sunday, I needed to rest. I had woken up early enough to get a run in on Sunday, and even Monday, but my mind wouldn't let my body get out of bed. That did change today. I got out for my 30 mins,and kept a steady pace the whole time. I'm pretty proud of that. I've actual shaved a few mins off my pace from the first week I've run. It's keeping my motivation going. Slow and steady wins the race!! Even if I'm the only one racing! =)